BARRIGEL physician finder
Find a doctor near you who offers Barrgiel as a treatment option.
Please note Teleflex provides this Physician Finder to support patients who want to learn more about the Barrigel procedure by helping to connect them to doctors who currently have demonstrated and maintain Barrigel procedure clinical proficiency. Names and details are provided for your information only. Decisions regarding choice of doctor and treatment options are a patient’s responsibility, as is all communication and interaction with listed medical professionals. Barrigel procedure clinical proficiency is developed and maintained by completing a comprehensive Barrigel Training Program, performing a minimum of 4 Barrigel procedures, and maintaining a minimum of 24 Barrigel procedures annually. All doctors on the Physician Finder have completed the stated requirements for developing and maintaining Barrigel procedure clinical proficiency. Teleflex has no vested interest in any specific doctors, nor does Teleflex provide any recommendation, assurance, or guarantee with respect to their service. Doctors listed on the Physician Finder pay no fee for inclusion. Some doctors listed may purchase products from, provide consulting services to, and/or be a party to a co-marketing agreement with Teleflex. You and your doctor must determine if treatment with the Barrigel procedure is right for you.
Doctors designated as Centers of Excellence (“COE”) have undergone rigorous training to establish their clinical proficiency in performing the Barrigel procedure and are trusted leaders in rectal spacing. Requirements to achieve the COE designation are as follows: Complete advanced technique training. Gain/Maintain clinical proficiency by performing a predefined number of cases per year (varies based on initial certification or recertification). Participate in educational programs to gain/maintain knowledge on best practices. Offer education and educational materials for patients.
The information and content in the Physician Finder are provided solely by the physicians.